Garden City Xmas Market and Food Expo 2022

Garden City Xmas Market and Food Expo will be a portfolio of food exhibitions that will promote local contents within the local government areas of the state whereby showcasing the rich cultural dishes of the garden city residents and what they can offer. The event will also portray continental dishes from food vendors, chefs and professionals that are passionate and creative in food production. The program will come with lots of profitable features and business opportunities such as B2B business meeting (interactive section between exhibitors and buyers), among others. The Garden city Food Expo will be the first of its kind and it will be taking place in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. And it will be powered by GLOBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (GCCI) in conjunction with TRADE NIGERIA ORGANIZATION.#business #food #creative #b2b #event #businessopportunities #nigeria #commerce #chefs #localgovernment For More enquiries contact Trade Nigeria at: #6 Omerelu Street, GRA Phase Port Harco...